The reports on this page synthesize information from the semi-annual progress reports submitted by all 20 HCCC grantees. If you want to know more about a specific HCCC community, please visit their individual project page and view their project snapshots for background information and specific accomplishments.
*NEW* HCCC Health Equity Tool

Explore the Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge's NEW health equity tool! This resource features six interactive stories that highlight the approaches and impacts of our 20 diverse communities. It tells an engaging narrative that spans from the very beginnings of the grant initiative until its end (July 2020 - September 2022). Not only does the map highlight each project team’s incredible work in improving access to food and health services, but also serves as a tool for those looking to advance health equity in their own communities.
*NEW* HCCC Highlights Report 3 of 4
The third HCCC Highlights Report (PDF) provides an overview of accomplishments, successful approaches, lessons learned and community stories from the most recent reporting period, which took place from July through December 2021. The report is framed around the theme of community collaboration and resilience in honor of this year’s National Public Health Week theme, “Public Health is Where You Are.” In short, this theme recognizes that where we live, learn, work, play and pray impacts our health ‒ an idea HCCC grantees have adopted from the beginning of our work together.
Throughout the report, we also included few spotlights on food policy councils to highlight their critical role in bringing community members and cross-sector partners together to create a more resilient food system. While the report is for anyone interested in learning more about local efforts to advance health equity through food access and access to care, there are also sections for public health professionals and their partners with lessons and tips from our communities.
HCCC Highlights Report 2 of 4
This second report (PDF) provides an overview of accomplishments, success stories and lessons learned during the second reporting period, which took place from January to June 2021. These findings reflect implementation updates, data collected on a set of common measures and reflections on key activities that shifted the conditions holding ineffective, oppressive systems in place.
HCCC Highlights Report 1 of 4
This first report (PDF) gives an overview of food access and health services wins as well as other takeaways from July to December 2020. Read about achievements during the peak months of the pandemic, as well as preliminary lessons from our Challenge communities.