Population: 332,330
Project focus: Access to foods that support healthy eating patterns
- Sign a charter between Cumberland County and Ft. Bragg that establishes a joint County and Installation Food Policy Council
- Commence a Food System Assessment, including at least three policy recommendations
- Implement at least two policies, systems, or environmental priorities identified by the Food Policy Council
Approaches and Partners
Cumberland County is home to one of the largest military installations in the world. That is why Cumberland County Department of Public Health, along with Fort Bragg Department of Public Health, Pathways for Prosperity and Friends of the Health Department, sought to improve food accessibility by partnering with local residents and using community data to understand the needs of their unique locality. This project engaged community organizations in a robust data collection effort that provided important information on food access in the region. Their project team also developed a resident-led food policy council to utilize this data to improve access to foods that promote health and make monumental changes in the Cumberland County area.
Successes (as of September 2022)
The project team has seen immense growth in their relationship with their food policy council. They assisted the council in organizing and functioning as a formal county board. They also created and designed advertising items such as PSAsand flyers to promote the council and its efforts. To better coordinate its work in the food space, the food policy council has established 3 ad hoc committees. These committees will focus on improving WIC/EBT access, communications and outreach, and transportation.
Snapshot 1 (July - December 2020) | Snapshot 2 (January - June 2021) | Snapshot 3 (July - December 2021)
Check out NACo's interviews with each of the the 10 county-based teams, including Cumberland County.