Teams that are selected for award will be expected to use the grant funds to address one or both of the program’s two priority topics: access to foods that support healthy eating patterns and access to health services. Selected communities must utilize HCCC grant funds in accordance with their approved HCCC project plan. After award, selected teams must develop an initial project budget as part of their Challenge plan that will be updated over the course of the 2-year Challenge, with the support of their HCCC liaison. Applicants should consult pages 3-4 of the RFP for more information about expectations of grantees. The second disbursement will be contingent upon meeting the Challenge’s Year 1 expectations.
Funds may be used for staffing and materials costs associated with project activities. They may not be used to fund large capital expenses. Up to 15% of the overall project budget can be used to pay for indirect costs. Rent, utilities, and telecommunications are considered indirect costs. Communities should consider how funds might be leveraged in their youth and resident engagement, if applicable. All grant funds must be expended by the close of the grant period in April 2022.
There will be opportunities during the grant term for all selected communities to participate in in-person convenings. Each community will be eligible to receive stipends to support attendance and stipends must be used to cover associated travel and lodging costs.